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Lip Care

Who does not want to take a good care of their lips? Lips are the soft, delicate and beautiful organ of a female and male face. You have to take good care of your lips. Otherwise, you will look like a pale, disease-ridden person if you have dry, torn out bleeding lips. The skin of the lips is very gentle and thin. So, special care should be given to your lips.

Every person has two lips, the upper and the lower ones. Lips need a proper amount of moisture. To keep your lips soft, pink, beautiful and glossy and to maintain the moisture level you can apply honey and lemon juice together on your lips. It will give you a pinkish glow. To less the darkness of your lips, you can apply fresh raw milk on your lips. You should have lots and lots of vitamin C containing fruits and vegetables because vitamin C keeps away all kind of lip disease like scarves etc.

In winter season our lips get drier than other seasons. This season sucks out the moisture of your lips which cause the roughness, dryness and torn skin and edges of your lips. You should take extra care of your lips this time. Put lip balm, poet, and petroleum jelly on your lips to keep them soft. By applying petroleum jelly or lip balm, you can also maintain moisture level. Not only in winter but every careful male or female should apply lip care to the lips three to five times a day whether they are at home or outside a house.

Not all kinds of balm and petroleum jelly are good enough for your lips. Using expired date products or low-quality lip care will darken your lips. Also, the chemical in those products can cause severe skin cancer if you keep using them years after years. So you should use brand products for the caring of your lips. The brand products of some good quality lip care are Meril, Tibbat, Pomet, Nevea, vaseline, etc. Choose any one of them which is suitable for your lips. You can find them available at the local market. They can also be found in general stores or grocery shops. But you want the first-class quality product but within your budget?

Be tension free. is representing you a massive collection of lip care items. Buy all kinds of lip care items from Bangladesh shopping website and keep your lips beautiful.